Learn on the Go

Coming 2024-2025!

Experience the thrill of learning beyond the classroom with Cascadia Prep's "Learn on the Go" programs. These special programs offer immersive experiences in distinct areas of interest such as marine biology, geology, astronomy, art, stage performance, and more. Taking place over one or two days outside of regular school hours, these hands-on learning adventures provide numerous benefits, and are as much fun for the teachers as the students.

Join us on a journey of discovery and exploration with Cascadia Prep's "Learning on the Go" programs, where every moment is an opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive.

  • Step into the real world of your chosen subject and immerse yourself in hands-on activities, allowing you to deepen your understanding and appreciation in a way that textbooks alone cannot provide.

  • Apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings, gaining practical skills and insights that are directly relevant to your field of interest.

  • Experience the excitement of learning in dynamic environments, sparking curiosity and motivating you to actively participate and explore new concepts.text goes here

  • Develop confidence, independence, and problem-solving skills as you navigate new environments and tackle challenges outside of your comfort zone.

  • Connect with experts, professionals, and like-minded peers who share your passion, expanding your network and opening doors to future opportunities.

  • Stimulate your imagination and creativity by experiencing the beauty and wonder of the world firsthand, fostering a deeper appreciation for the arts, sciences, and beyond.

  • Create lasting memories and forge lifelong friendships as you embark on unforgettable adventures and share meaningful experiences with your fellow participants.

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.
— Benjamin Franklin