At Cascadia Prep,we teach our students to…

be, think, and live well.

We disciple our students in a biblical worldview through a college-preparatory, liberal arts education. Being, thinking and living well is about making connections intellectually, spiritually and relationally. At Cascadia we encourage our students to live out their own stories and discover their purpose in God’s larger story. We provide them with opportunities to grow, mature, and become all they are meant to be.

Be well.

The Cascadia community is dedicated to intentional discipleship of each student as an image bearer of God in their academic, spiritual and moral life.  Discipleship is the key to spiritual formation through scholarly study of the Bible, life filled with prayer, mentoring relationships, and curated experiences of service for students to live out their faith and love for Jesus. We are firmly rooted in the Judeo-Christian tradition and believe in the unchanging moral teachings of scripture which inform our learning and life together as Cascadia Timberwolves. A trusting and collaborative relationship between parents and the school community is a guiding principle in all that we do.

  • We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen.

    We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father; through him all things were made.

    For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary and became truly human.

    For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

    He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.

    We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.

    We believe in one holy catholic* and apostolic church.

    We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.

    We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

    * This refers to the universality of the whole church in all times and places rather than to any specific branch of Christianity.

  • Having a heart for God is deeply influenced by our daily actions and interactions with Him. Teaching and guiding our students to practice spiritual disciplines as expressed in the Bible is essential for fostering a deep and meaningful relationship with Jesus. Daily spiritual practices are the foundation of a vibrant faith life and help students to connect with God on a personal level.

    At Cascadia, we prioritize nurturing students' spiritual formation by introducing and integrating essential disciplines, such as prayer, Scripture reading, worship, service, and fellowship. Through these daily rhythms, students develop a deepened faith, peace through God’s presence, purpose, and strengthened character. These disciplines foster a transformative relationship with God, empowering students to face life's challenges with grace and confidence. Through teaching and guidance in these practices, we prepare students to authentically live out their faith and positively impact the world for God's glory.

Think well.

Learning to think well is not just about academics, it is about having a scriptural framework that guides how students will observe, understand, and interact to bring God’s truth into the world by having their minds transformed by the truth.  Learning to think well biblically builds a students worldview by teaching them from scripture about the world which then informs their purpose and place in God’s creation and redemptive plan. This is called a biblical worldview. 

  • A program focused on the liberal arts and science does not merely prepare young adults for a career, it helps them to develop critical thinking, communication, and analytical skills. The Liberal Arts emphasizes understanding the human experience, cultural contexts, and ethical considerations. Prepares students for a variety of careers by fostering adaptable and versatile skill sets. By following in the liberal arts tradition, Cascadia helps our students to discover their purpose in God’s unfolding story and prepares them for what life and God have to offer. The liberal arts makes us more aware of the human condition and provides clarity in a confusing world. Cascadia students will learn to think clearly, seek and recognize truth, form connections, and find their place in God’s larger story.

  • Cascadia’s school culture is founded in the pursuit of grace and truth in all relationships and learning. We teach our students to be intellectually honest and truthful with one another, their teachers, parents, and themselves. It is only in truth that one can flourish and grow in knowledge and character, and that our community grows together. God’s grace is evident in our relationships as a result of the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and evidenced by our ability to be compassionate, caring, forgiving, understanding, longsuffering, and offer unconditional love to one another.  Jesus was interruptible and intentionally  lived out grace and truth in all he said and did through a close relationship with the Father through prayer according to the gospels. He is the example we seek to follow – by God’s grace – in shaping our school culture and each of its students.

    Cascadia students are encouraged to not be intimidated by truth, but rather build the courage to stand by and up for what is truthful and righteous. This level of conviction is difficult in a world telling them that truth is relative. We ask our students to “dwell on whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise.” At Cascadia we demonstrate and teach that grace, truth, and conviction are unalienable, and must be followed in order to be, think, and live well.

  • We seek joy in all that we do! We cultivate curiosity in learning and excitement for new experiences, encouraging students to seek new challenges. Biblical scholarship is at the heart of all of our learning pursuits. The more they know about how to live life—according to God’s plan—the more they can live well. Living well produces joy. And growing in wisdom and knowledge provides joy over a lifetime.

Live well.

People do not live well by accident; they are taught. This education comes from parents, friends, church, community, and God. Cascadia plays a crucial role in this teaching process, especially during the formative high school years. Recognizing the significance of this period, Cascadia is dedicated to its mission. By teaching students to live well, Cascadia not only transforms their understanding of the world but also empowers them to lead abundant and joyful lives. We aim to help students integrate their learning with their faith. Our staff serves as living examples, engaging students in both their academic pursuits and the deeper questions and decisions they face. While we prioritize academic excellence, we equally focus on preparing students to thrive in life. These goals are interconnected and essential. Beyond academics, Cascadia emphasizes the critical elements of living well through these principles.

  • Achieving balance in life involves more than just managing daily tasks; it's about nurturing the essential aspects of our well-being. Finding balance means dedicating time and energy to these key areas, which include but are not limited to health, nutrition, relationships, school, family, spirituality, church, work, and physical fitness. Achieving balance involves integrating these aspects into your daily life, and making conscious choices that support your overall well-being and allow you to thrive. Balance isn't about perfection; it's about making ongoing adjustments to meet your needs and live in alignment with your values, which lead to a harmonious and fulfilling life.

  • We believe our faith gives us freedom, the opportunity for a rich and fulfilling life, and the ability to feel complete joy, whether we're winning or facing challenges. We want our students to feel free to live joyful and meaningful lives. We encourage them to fully become who God wants them to be. We offer opportunities that help them grow, both inside and outside the classroom. We aim to challenge them, help them mature, and teach them to "find joy" even in tough times. By learning to act with virtue, they realize they too can live rich and joyful lives. This helps them live with purpose, make brave decisions, and strengthen their commitment to God. As they understand that, for the faithful, everything works out for good, they become ready for everything life and God have to offer.

  • Students who try new things will inevitably experience failure. But it is in the valleys, not on the mountaintops, that we learn the greatest, most valuable lessons. Students need to feel free to fail, or they won't take necessary risks. We believe failure can be beneficial, but only if students are taught to see it as a chance for growth and maturity. We want them to understand the value of each experience, to celebrate their successes, and to learn from their failures. This approach makes them more adaptable and open to God's purposes for their lives.

  • People learn what they live, therefore it is essential to be earnest about what we consistently practice. At Cascadia, we teach students to incorporate virtues into their daily routines. What and how students practice—be it faith, hope, love, courage, wisdom, endurance, patience, tenacity, fairness, or even activities like music, soccer, math, or languages—shapes who they become. Every habit impacts their lives positively or negatively. Therefore, we encourage them to practice the right, virtuous things, so they can become virtuous people by God's grace.

    Good decision-making is essential in this journey. Making wise choices, guided by virtues, steers students towards positive habits and away from negative influences. Discipline plays a crucial role in forming these positive habits, especially during challenging times. It is the commitment to continue practicing virtues and skills, even when it's difficult, that builds true character. Discipline helps students stay focused and resilient, allowing them to grow and thrive despite obstacles. By cultivating discipline and making good decisions, students learn to persevere, maintain their values, and develop the strength to navigate life's challenges while staying true to their faith and principles.

Life as a Cascadia Timberwolf.

Life as a Cascadia Timberwolf.