Tuition & Fees 2024-2025

Tuition at Cascadia is determined annually. The tuition for the 2024-2025 school year is $12,500 for high school and $10,500 for junior high. You may choose to pay tuition annually, semi-annually, or on a payment plan spanning over 11 months. Please see the payment options below that are available to Cascadia families.

  • 1: Annual Plan

    Tuition: $12,500 or $10,500

    Due August 1, 2024

    Enrollment Fee: $300

  • 2: Semi-Annual Plan

    Tuition: $12,500 or $10,500

    Due August 1, 2024 and

    January 15, 2024

    Enrollment Fee: $300

    Payment Plan Fee: $100

  • 3: 10 Month Plan

    Tuition: $12,500 or $10,500

    Beginning August 1, 2024

    Enrollment Fee: $300

    Payment Plan Fee: $250


Textbooks: Approx $300-$500

School Attire: Approx $150

Campus Life: TBD

iPad: Approx $700

Annual Retreat: Approx $200

Sports Fees/Uniforms: TBD

More information will be available soon

Thank you for your patience!