Being, thinking, and living well are solidified through effective practices.

At Cascadia, we firmly believe that true wisdom and meaningful living are cultivated through active engagement and experiential learning. People learn what they live, and so we are dedicated to demonstrating our commitment to impactful educational and life practices. At Cascadia, our distinctive method of education is firmly rooted in specific core beliefs:

Dynamic Learning Spaces Promote Discovery and Learning

We understand that learning isn't confined to the walls of a classroom. That's why we provide dynamic learning environments that encourage students to explore, experiment, and discover. Every setting is carefully designed to ignite curiosity and spark creativity.

Curious people have an ongoing, intrinsic interest in both their inner experience and the world around them. Curious people tend to be attracted to new people, new things, and new experiences, and they are rarely bored.
— Ben Dean, PhD

Liberal Arts and Sciences are a Window to the Human Experience

We believe that a well-rounded education in the liberal arts and sciences is essential for understanding ourselves, our society, and the world we inhabit, including God's creation. Through disciplines such as literature, history, mathematics, and the natural sciences, students gain insights into the complexities of human existence and develop the critical thinking skills needed to navigate life's challenges with wisdom and insight. This education deepens their appreciation of the intricate wonders of God's creation and their role within it, fostering a comprehensive understanding of the world around them.

Connection and Relationships Anchor Our Development

At Cascadia, we recognize the profound impact that relationships have on our personal growth and development. Whether it's forging connections with classmates, teachers, mentors, or members of the wider community, fostering meaningful relationships is central to our educational philosophy. Through collaboration, empathy, and mutual support, students learn to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts constructively, and cultivate a sense of belonging and purpose. By anchoring our educational practices in connection and relationships, we create a supportive and inclusive environment where every individual can thrive and succeed.

Curiosity Opens the Door to Learning

We believe that curiosity is the fuel that drives intellectual growth and discovery. We encourage students to ask questions, explore new ideas, and seek out knowledge beyond the confines of the classroom. By nurturing curiosity, we empower students to become active participants in their own education, pursuing their interests and passions with enthusiasm and determination. Whether it's delving into a new topic, conducting research, or embarking on a creative project, curiosity opens the door to endless possibilities for learning and growth.

Service to Others is Foundational to Our Ability to Find Our Place in Creation

At Cascadia, we instill in students a deep sense of responsibility to use their talents and abilities for the betterment of others and the world around them. Through service-learning opportunities, community engagement initiatives, and volunteer projects, students learn the importance of empathy, compassion, and social responsibility. By serving others, students develop a greater understanding of their own values, strengths, and purpose in life. Service becomes not just a requirement but a way of life, guiding students on a journey of self-discovery and helping them find their place in the broader tapestry of Creation.